"The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present". Nicollo Machiavelli
Deep in the mind, the palpitations of failure is almost as loud as the beat of assured success and it has come to my notice that both must go hand in cheek till 'expected end'. The promise of good reward for persistent passion is but for the forlorn trench of a crazy heart. You need to be crazy so as to remain sane in the society of today.
Yeah, this is the kind muse I hate to write because I tend to just go on and on about the metaphysics and abstract junks that bombards my head unfiltered. Don't be scared though because I am only scared! I am scared of my bright future so much that I run away from the pain I need to face so as to achieve it. And so here I am, wanton disorder that have dragged me to my knees and set me on future's path.
That is so exciting, my future that is! But today is that type of day when I would like to just fast forward into the future I picture in my brain all the time. The grandiose I wake up to from the dream that envelops my sleep and the beauty that brings smile to my colored teeth. But, what if.... Have you ever thought, What if...? What if the assurance of a rewarding future is just some hope formatted in the hills upstairs, somewhere in the agbari of your head just so you can remain subjected to the fears of failure?
I don't think I am making much sense this morning, or whenever your eyes lay claim to the article but I can as well tell you that I am about to make a very drastic decision and my muse is running gaga. Am I scared? You can bet on it that I am. Am I relishing the idea? No I am not! Am I confident it will pan out fine? Trust me, I have never been this confident in my life.
So I want the future I see. But I have to step into it now before the window closes. The uncertainties are too glaring and the risk is so large my better half is shit scared into tears. But all these are motivation to succeed! To work is a necessity, to work hard is a blessing but to work smart is wealth. So I go, I take the chances laid before me and I won't look back. If I perish, I perish but at least I know that I have given my all to passion and dream that brings smile from the surreal.
Judge me soon!
"Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times." Nicollo Machaivelli
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