Saturday, 18 October 2014

Silence is Golden but Speaking is Platinum

The only time you make a decision and you are almost certain it will go wrong 99.9% is when you are angry. Apart from that, leaving decisions to intuition is paramount to making the right decision 89.9% of the time (don’t ask me how I came to that percentage; I don’t know too, LOL). 

According to the Merriem-Webster dictionary, intuition is: ‘a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence: a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why'

You see why it will be hard to go wrong when you use your initiative? But it doesn’t come when you are angry; it comes when you are introspective.

Sometimes when you decide to be silent in the face of hurt or unpleasant situations, it may not bring out the best ending. Talking and getting your thoughts out there might just be the best way to go even if it will cause immediate unease between you and your interlocutor but the long run result may just turn out all good.

However, taking time to analyze, dissect and rearrange the scenario in your head before engaging the situation externally is maybe more important after all. You must never be sentimental when you are about to talk about the hurt. Don’t see it as an opportunity to use the worst words in your vocabularies. Don’t see it as an opportunity to avenge yourself, rather see it as an opportunity to solve the mysteries of what I call ‘Humanity’s Gravest Enemy’; CONFLICT!

Imagine we have no conflict in our world; we would have no wars, no pain and no variety. Yea, the truth is we need evil for good to be good. So evil is good in our world but only if good will not desist from challenging evil in the hemisphere of the mind and then of the body. Okay, back to the gist of the day before I go all spiritual here.

Not every time my friend should you be silent; not every time at all. You must speak and you must speak out especially when you are intuitively led to do so. When your mother in law has gotten on your nerves and it is more about her hatred for you than trying to correct you. When your boss behaves in a brazen manner that doesn’t suit a corporate environment; my dear, you need to let him/her know such character will not be accepted.

Let me share my experience with you. Last 2 months at the end of the month my salary was paid and I discovered that N2, 000.00 (Two Thousand Naira) was removed from my salary without any explanation. That is a very small amount of money compared to what I am being paid but I sent my boss an email demanding to know why. 

You are surprised right? Same here, I am surprised what I did too but you see I am that sort of person that hate cheating or to be unjustly treated. So he replied and said because I was absent for bla bla bla days. That’s okay by me, I am not actually after him paying back that money but I needed him to know that even if he’s the boss, I am also the driver of my destiny.

That came from 2 things: I am (1) good at what I do and (2) I am self-sustaining even if he sacks me for asking him why he took decisions without proper corporate resolutions. A friend told me that’s what entails in a ‘one-man’ entrepreneur business. I am learning slowly.

You need to speak up (intuitively) when your spiritual head is erring (pastor, imam, babalawo, etc). You need to speak up if your political leaders are on the erring side. You need to speak up when your parents are doing the wrong things. The little mistakes here and there blossoms into that full ‘blood red moon’ that is incomprehensible to everyone later in life. Yeah, the same one the prophets are claiming will bring the second coming of Christ. Story for the gods!

So you see, silence is not always golden, sometimes you need to always speak up and do right. When your wife/husband is wrong, you need to speak up but only when you intuitively feel it is time to speak out. And like I said earlier, this comes from taking time to analyze, dissect and rearrange the scenario in your head before engaging the situation externally. Silence is golden but speaking is platinum. 

1 comment:

  1. I will not allow my situation to hold me any longer. I will speak out when I have to. Speak out loud and clear ... Jude
