Monday 31 March 2014


Hello guys, how was the weekend? Mine was the longest and craziest. Two things happened to me over the weekend; first I walked out of my relationship of over 2 years and secondly, I declared my intention of running for a political office come 2015.

Yeah, I know you want to know about the failed relationship. I can see it in your eyes. I will gist you just cool down.
How do you break up with someone you love? It was a tough decision for me but it really was a long time coming. I have been in the relationship for about 2 years and 5 months and it was all lovey dovey when we started. We couldn’t do without each other. The whole world knew about it. The people that matters in my life saw how it blossomed and encouraged us. The people in hers' loved the way we loved each other and wished they could have what we have. It was the best relationship I have ever been (hopefully not the last best).
I know the question now is; So what went wrong? Why break up if it was the best relationship?
I have my reasons but I am sure by the time I finish explaining you might not be so convinced. So the real reasons I broke up is elusive to even me. All I know was, I got so tired of the relationship. I got choked and got exhausted. Before I jump to the end, let me start from the beginning.
We started dating in Oct 2012. I met her in my former church and she was this industrious young working class girl. We hit it off almost immediately. The following year I proposed to her and it was all great. The crack in the wall though started the moment she opened her mouth to say she was going back to school for her HND.
Ok, that’s a great thing isn't it? But for me I hate long distance relationship. Don’t ask me why because I don’t even know the reason. All I know is, if I am not going to see my girlfriend, it MUST not be more than for a month. So she goes to school, I am left alone in Lagos for 2 months, 3 months and sometimes 4 months. The love just started dropping. I tried to rev it up but it kept falling.
I am not a guy that loves phone conversation so much. She tried her best to keep it for real on phone but I am a believer in; when you make a call, go straight to the real reason of the call. So my conversation was always brisk, short, concise and elusive. She never understood why I was never romantic on the phone and I never saw the reason why I should be. The crack on the wall had started and the lizard wasn’t far away from walking into it.
The December of that same year, I met a lady called LAMI (I know she doesn’t read my blog so I can use her name) and we started a relationship. I didn’t tell her I was in another relationship so it was cool going on because my girlfriend anyways was not around (had not been around for 3 months). She came back and found out. I called off the relationship. In fact, I typed the text and asked her to press the send button. LAMI deleted me from all her social network and made sure I never resurfaced anywhere near her perimeter in the nearest future. I hope she can find a place to forgive me in her heart.
In January my girlfriend was gone again and this time she came back in February of the year 2013, spent 2 weeks and left again till May. In march 2013 I met another pretty girl, matters became worse when I discovered she stayed on my street.
We didn’t date because we just started everything on a friendly note. I knew she had a boyfriend and unlike the previous, I told her all about my girlfriend (OK, I shouldn't be calling her girlfriend because I proposed, shay? Pardon me). From March to May we remained very very very close (repetition to be noted) and we are still very very close to date.
My girlfriend got back in May, found out about it as I usually intentionally allow her to find out and all hell was loose. From that day, I got all the names you could ever think of. Her Display Picture on her phone daily was about cheating boyfriends and the philosophical tete-a-tete about how men should not be trusted. Her friends taunted me constantly and made it a point of reference to bombard me with unnecessary questions.
This weighed me down in ways I could not even explain but she thought she was getting to me. She was constantly pushing me away, every day, every time she had those display pictures and personal messages on her blackberry, she took some part of the affection I had for her. The painful part was she gave me more reasons to believe she wasn’t meant to be my girlfriend.
I couldn’t understand why you will smile with me, kiss me and be so normal when we see and your display messages was saying something entirely different. It was a really confusing time. I also could not understand why she was still with me. If I was this bad muthaf**ka who broke your heart and slept around with this bi**h (she called my friend that name all the time), what are you still doing with me?
So from May 2013 to March 2014, I was in this tortuous relationship. My humanity was hacked off as long as I looked at the relationship went down the gutter. I am, let me say with humility, a sincere person that loves to be fair to all. Her cries and complains were unbearable and confusingly it only pushed me  to the hands of the lady she was complaining about. During this period, she exhibited the highest amount of inferiority complex a lady should show and I wasn’t comfortable.
When I had it up to here, I told her that "If I break up with you, it will not be because of the girl living on my street, it will be solely because of YOU". She didn’t listen, she simply kept pushing me. She kept the PM's and DP's going and it kept demoralising me. She kept our affair so open that all her friends sneered at me. She started getting calls and text messages that were strange. She would pick calls when I was acting as if I was asleep and the conversations showed a lady trying to have a reprisal relationship.
On the 26th of March 2013, I had to end the relationship I started. Weirdly, I don’t feel sad or gloom. It was like I was out of the relationship a long time ago but was just nominally in it. I can't start to explain the burden that left off my shoulder and now I feel so free and back to my normal self.
It was a roller coaster of a relationship and I had the worst abuse of my life from her friends that texted me and from her that cursed the hell out of my life. I can accept that. I am responsible for the break up but it was better I broke it up and kept my sanity than stay in it just so that I won't get the kind of reprisal attacks I got from family and foes.
My sister was sad when she heard but said something worth it. She said "You guys have gone a long way together but if it is a decision that comes from deep within and you feel it is genuine, stick with it". No truer words have been said.

Back to my political declaration. Yeah, I was foolish enough to come out blatantly to say I am coming out for a position in my locality. I got a lot of support and I hope it stays that way till 2015.

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