Tuesday 25 March 2014


"This year's G8 summit won't be in Sochi, Russia as planned. And it won't include Russia at all, after the seven other world leaders in the group of industrialized nations decided to give Russia the boot" the first line of an internet newsroom reeled out and I could not but wonder if that is the solution to the Crimea bruhaha.
The fight between USA and Russia seems to date back to forever in the past but the recent one is about Russian's stand on LGBT and America's insistence that Putin must ease the laws to accommodate LGBT rights, something Putin was not ready to even listen to nay accept.
No one really saw this Crimea hullabaloo coming or thought Russian will go this far. However, the hand writing had been on the wall for a while now. After blocking US and its Allies move to stop the Syrian conflict in the UN Security Council, one should have seen that Russian was getting bolder in its confrontation towards USA. The rise of China and the uncommon common grounds the Chinese diplomacy have tended towards Russia have made it easy for Russia to have a strong ally in UN.
After the cold war, America seemed to have incapacitated the wide reach of the Russian empire and the massive seceding that followed signaled the fall of the old USSR cum Russia. Russia didn’t go off the radar, it only leaked its wounds and waited till the giant will heal to have say again in the comity of nations. Putin could not hide his pride when he spoke about the annexation of Crimea and the pride of once again bringing the old Russia back to light.
We are yet to see the end of this though the Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov  has already suggested that Russia was kind of over the G8 anyway: "If our Western partners believe the format has exhausted itself, we don't cling to this format. We don't believe it will be a big problem if it doesn't convene," he told Reuters. Lavrov added, "The G8 is an informal club. No one hands out membership cards and no one can be kicked out of it."

Though he said the G8 is informal but the whole world wait to see what comes out of that meeting and if Russia is isolating itself from the Industrialised world pushers, they might as well start a new G(reat)3 with China and Crimea. The world is still watching…

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